Saturday, November 8, 2014

'Where There's Smoke' Review

I know it's been a while again. I fire myself. But here is a review before I rehire myself to get caught up. This is a short story I found for free on Barnes and Noble for my nook. I had recently dug it out of a mystery box that never unpacked itself after we moved. I like free so I was looking through their site to see if there was anything good. I've never read her before but she on my To-Be-Read list so I figured it would be a perfect introduction to her style of writing for me. Its only about 30 pages or so and I really enjoyed. Also, I promise to get on top of my posting and caught up on my reviews. I have three books lined up for my reviews: Gone Fishing, Sway and The Sea Garden and I just started reading Heart of Palms: My Peace Corps Years in Tranquilla (it's a memoir). These next few reviews coming up will be a change from the last few books I've read. What I missed saying for Painted Horses, The Story of Land and Sea and Bluff City Pawn is they are very melancholy and at times down right depressing. I think that's why they took me so long to read. Where There's Smoke is the beginning of some more upbeat, humorous, fun stories. Anywho, here's my review. Enjoy!

Where There's SmokeWhere There's Smoke by Jodi Picoult
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What its about: Serenity Jones is psychic and a very successful host of her own daytime TV show. She uses her amazing gift of communicating with the dead to help people reconnect with their loved ones, boost her show ratings and support her extravagant lifestyle. Her selfish celebrity attitude gets the best of her when she pisses off spirits and her viewers and then tries to recover her fame and show. Don't worry she learns some good lessons along the way.
Why I think what I do: I liked it alot. I haven't read any Jodi Picoult before but I have heard great things and I have a couple of her novels on my To-Be-Read List. I saw it was a short story and had some time between books so I thought I would check it out to get a feel for her writing. I found it very funny at times and entertaining because of the subject matter (I like paranormal, psychic stuff) and the fatally flawed main character. Being it was just a short story there is no real resolution and it is left wide open at the end but still functions well for a stand alone story. It is a prequel to her latest novel Leaving Time and Serenity will be making an appearance so maybe we will get to learn more about her.
Who's it for: Any Jodi Picoult fans will enjoy this short story. Also those with an interest in the paranormal mixed with humor might like to check it out.
When it's available:
May 19, 2014
Where you can find it:
This is exclusively an e-book available from Barnes and Noble, Amazon, most anyone who offers e-books.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you pop back up in the blogging world! You should really stick around more, and it seems like you have some more interesting reads as well, coming up. As for Jodi Picoult, I have only heard many good things about her lot of books, so I can't wait to try one of hers for myself. Thanks for sharing!

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