Monday, July 28, 2014

I'm a Book Cover Judger

The saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover." I say "But isn't that half the marketing these days?" Take a look at any store with a book display. The books they are pushing have really interesting covers that grab your attention. I definitely choose books by their covers quite often, not to say that's the only deciding factor. I have a system when I'm on a book hunt. Keep in mind where I tend to shop: used bookstores, flea markets, yard sales, usually places where organization is limited and availability is random and I often don't have any particular book or author in mind and even when I do, I always keep my mind and eyes open for "new finds." The following is the technique I use when I'm not sure what I'm looking for or I'm being bombarded with choices:

1) The cover: Since it's there to grab my attention anyway I might as well let it. A lot of time and money have gone into creating the perfect cover. I can appreciate that. The cover can tell you about that book before reading the blurb on the back or the first page. If done right it sets the mood for the book which helps me find books I'm in the mood for. (And I'm a sucker for pretty pictures/artwork).

2) The title: Again it's an attention grabber that most authors have put a lot of time and effort into. It gets the point of the book across in just a few words. And if it piques my interest after the cover has caught my eye then I move on to the next step.

3) The blurb on the back (or inside the front cover): Alright, the marketing department has caught my attention, the author has me interested, so now I need to know if I should really spend my time and money on reading this book. Again, its hard working writing the perfect synopsis that teases you just enough with out spoiling the whole book. 

All together this process takes about a minute at most. Remember, I'm on a mission (maybe its an addiction?) to find as many new books for the lowest price possible in the short time I have to shop. After this process if I'm thinking, "It could be good," then its in my cart, bag, box, etc., the goal has been met and the book is coming with me. Thank you book marketing people! So really my addiction isn't my fault cause they make it so hard to walk away from a good looking book, right? I know, I know. Denial won't get me anywhere. I just love books and I find this process opens me up to new authors, new genres, etc. that I normally wouldn't consider. So next time you're out shopping for something new or different to read, try it out. It could be good.

1 comment:

  1. "Remember, I'm on a mission (maybe its an addiction?) to find as many new books for the lowest price possible in the short time I have to shop." Can't it be both? Great points, and I plan to utilize all of them soon...
